Observing the 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela and other miscellaneous adventures, this is the online journal of a Canadian in South America

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

En Venezuela

Just got to Caracas. No problems getting into the country and everything has gone pretty smoothly so far.

For people that are not familiar with Caracas, or Venezuela in general, some ground rules may apply:

1. Drive wherever, however, and whenever you want. Red lights do not apply, just don't hit the car next to you. (Gas, by the way, is hovering slightly over 28 cents a litre. Most cars and SUVs fill up for two dollars.)

2. Align yourself politcally - more on this soon.

3. Foster an instant love for all things baseball.

4. Expect gridlock at any hour of the day, any day of the week.

5. Get ready to party.

I have to say that there's certainly less culture shock this time for me. I still have to check myself though to believe that I'm actually here. The Spanish, fortunately, is coming back in waves and I'm finding it pretty easy to get around and do things.

Although there's no real order to the chaos here in the city, it's not hard to get used to if you try. The only other thing is the heat - 30 degrees at least through most of the days. But like they say here, "Asi son las cosas amigo."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see that you made it! Have an awesome time travelling around, hope you don't get caught up in any political coups or anything... :)


2:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Oliver!

Great to see photos :-)

Glad to hear you made it in one piece.

Vancouver is very rainy, as per usual.

Cheers, Arlene

10:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contento oír que usted llegó en un pedazo. Espero más frecuenta los postes y más información acerca del hallazgo usted mismo, en un contexto que viaja y un contexto sexual personal de la exploración. Por favor pics de poste de alguna mujer hermosa que usted encuentra también. Usted es una grieta buena. ¡Cervasa!

2:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is wonderful, the road is new,
Impressions are huge, what will you do?
Turn left, turn right or take a stop,
Learn, live and leap, do the Olli flop.

If I could, then I would ask
On Sunday night, I did that task.
I miss our talks, change had do come,
I am adjusting, in LOVE, your Mom.

8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoying your travel tales. Keep them coming (a bit more frequently though). Sounds like you are having a wonderful experience, enjoy while you can. Almost wish I was young again, but then we aren't doing so badly ourselves.
Mexico here we come! And pics are worth a thousand words.

12:38 PM


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