Photos from Caracas
Some photos during my three week stay in Caracas:
Myself with Zhair and Pablo, two friends of mine from San Cristobal.

Venezuelans love their whisky. Someone was mentioning to me that Venezuela drinks more whisky per capita than any other country in the world. All I can say is that I don't think he's making it up.

This rather short and well-adorned bed belonged to Venezuela's national hero, Simon Bolivar.

One of the nicer spots in Caracas, Plaza Altamira with El Avila Parque Nacional in the background.

Another look at the obelisk.

La Galeria de Arte Nacional

Inside the Galeria

This handcarved work of art commerating the indigenous influence in Venezuela was just outside Las Bellas Artes. What I wasn't able to capture in this picture are the people living in this little park just to the right of this piece.

I spent a day in a nearby pueblo called El Hatillo. It's an artisan, weekend getaway kind of place for people in the city. This is their Plaza Bolivar in the centre of the town.

The stores and streets in the town are typical of the style below.

A barrio just above El Hatillo.

Yours truly at a baseball game. Venezuelans love their baseball - it's pretty much their national sport. This is a game between Los Leones de Caracas y Los Tiburones de La Guira.

My friend Ismery and I with the Tiburones mascot.

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